Carina Reich presenterar sitt doktorandprojekt på ”Talking, thinking, dancing”, Dance4 International Centre for Choreography, Nottingham, UK

01 jun 2017

”Just my imagination II”, Dansens hus, Stockholm

Talking, thinking, dancing

Tues 6th @ 5.00pm – Wed 7th @ 5.00pm
Dance4 international Centre for Choreography
2 Dakeyne Street, Nottingham, UK. NG3 2AR

Please join us for this two-day event bringing artists, researchers and producers together to think and discuss the past, present and future of Practice as Research degrees. A place to experience practice, discuss doctoral research processes and explore how knowledge creation through artistic practices could lead the future of the dance and choreographic field.

 Wednesday 7 June, 9am – 4.45pm

 ·       Carina Reich (SE) is a stage director and performer, and currently a PhD candidate in performative and mediated practices at Stockholm University of the Arts. She will expose the working processes leading to performance and the research process itself by re-staging The absent becoming present – a staged seminar that foregrounds different voices within the collaborative process of a devised performance.

 The event will be punctuated by conversations and interviews by Vida Midgelow (Middlesex University), Jane Bacon (Chichester University), Camilla Damkjaer (Stockholm University of the Arts), Leena Rouhiainen (University of the Arts Helsinki), Paul Russ (Dance4) and guests.

This is the first event to present research from the Artistic Doctorates in Europe (ADiE) programme and will share findings of the first phase of the project.


ADiE is a partnership between University of the Arts Helsinki, Zodiak and Kiasma (FI), Weld and Stockholm University of the Arts (SE) and Dance4, Chichester University and Middlesex University (UK), funded by Erasmus+.