Unreal Estate – The Royal Opera, Stockholm

”Unreal Estate”, ett beställningsverk från Kungl. Baletten med premiär 15e februari samt nypremiär 7e september 2002 . Death Metalgruppen Entombed i orkesterdiket på Kungliga Operan, integrerad i den klassiska balettens värld. Tåspetsteknik, 36 dansare på scen. 45 min långt. Utsålda föreställningar. Reich+Szyber koreografi, scenografi och kostym, Linus Fellbom ljus, Cecilia Roos repetitör.

”Unreal estate”

Unreal Estate is a ballet in one act, with choreography by Carina Reich and Bogdan Szyber and music by Entombed. It was a commissioned work for the Royal Ballet and premiered at the Royal Opera in Stockholm on February 15, 2002. The performance was based on the contrast between two very different traditions: classical ballet dance and death metal. Entombed performed the music live in the Opera’s orchestra pit and on its stage. The opera warned in the program sheet about high volume and provided hearing protection for the audience in the wardrobes.
